Thursday, August 4, 2016

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Guys! I'm so excited!!! I just got a call from doTERRA and we are going to be a certified site! I can't wait to post some great EO info here soon! THIS IS HUGE!!!! Keep tuning in and I'm going to teach you how Oils help you grow as a person not only in your physical health, but mainly how they affect your spiritual well being. THAT is going to be my focus with Essential Oils because that is the root of where most of the physical starts! Stay tuned!!! THIS IS EXCITING!!!!

If you want more info on what I do and teach, visit my website at!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Do we have trials, or are they gifts? As I've lived my life I've realized that each thing was exactly perfect for me. Even though God sometimes gave me the things in my life wrapped in the ugliest wrapping paper and stuffed in a smelly, soggy, box, when I finally opened up and saw the gift, WOW! It was a whole new reality for me!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Do you ever just wish someone would just "Step Up"? What if you could help that without getting controlling, nagging, or forceful? What if they did it on their own free will? We talk about that here in this week's Truth Tuesday!

Friday, July 15, 2016

So much has happened since we posted last!! We are now not only on Facebook and Pinterest, but we have our own website, AND we are now on twitter and instagram!! We are growing and we LOVE it!!! So, tell us what can we do for you? How can we serve you? I want this blog to be super fun, funny, yet also fill you with the hope you need to get through each week! How can we serve you today?