Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I recently went to an amazing event put on by the amazing Tiffany Peterson. Seriously, this girl brings it!! She had some amazing guest speakers and one of them was Dan Clark. See, Dan Clark is an amazing speaker who has won numerous awards and recognitions for his speeches. He was inducted into the National Hall of Fame for speakers in 2005. Seriously, this man is a giant and I had so much fun talking with him! Enjoy his speech to you!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Divide and Conquer, or Unite and Prosper? What are we wanting for our families? Giving them the best requires us to leave pride and selfishness in the dust. Stephen Story shares his recipe for happiness and bliss in this Truth Tuesday! Essential Oils that help support this mindset are: White Fir, Frankincense, Peace blend, and Forgive blend.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Nature IS Nurture! It is our Nature to Love and be Loved! That is the most nurturing thing I can think of!

Friday, September 4, 2015

K! Friends! If you would like more wiggle room in your finances, you need to attend this! I cannot recommend Chris highly enough! He's offering the seminar for a screaming deal too!

For this weekend only!

The next 7 people to register for our Wealth Empowerment Intensive Sept 17-18th will get in for ONLY $75! It won't get any better than this!

Learn how I help my clients make and save an average of $33,000 a year! Register here!

Check out Chris's Website moneyripples.com!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

We are making some new changes here at Live. Thrive. Empower! Even our blog is getting a new name and purpose! This is exciting!! We are doing Truth Tuesday's now and I can't wait to share with you! This week we are talking about comfort zones! Take a look at the video below and comment what your thoughts are!