Friday, April 11, 2014

Kade Sherrill Anderson was born March 2nd 2014. We sure are in love with this little guy! 
The last Thursday in February was my last appointment with my Midwife. My Midwife, Julie Jones, is also one of my favorite people and friends. We joked about my little guy coming that weekend. I told her that I was certain that he would be born on Sunday morning. She joked and told me that as long as I waited until after 3 to go into labor on the first then she would be happy. She was throwing a baby shower for her daughter and wouldn't be done until 3. I laughed and told her I would have a chat with him! 
I told this to my husband who also joked with me and said, "Well, you may as well wait until 3:30 because that is when I'll be done building the shelves in the closet under the stairs." He had a little home improvement project that he was going to do that Saturday since he had the day off. 

Saturday March 1st came and I decided to go for a walk around noon. I had been cooped up in my house for around two months because I was consistently ill due to dehydration. I started drinking Kombucha (GT's Synergy brand) and it had helped so much that I felt like I could get out for a little finally. It felt so good to get out and walk around for a while. When I got back, I took my little two year old into my room with me and laid down to nap with him. About a half hour into the nap I had a surge that electrified my abdomen and woke me up. I just laid there for a while assessing the surges that started coming. They weren't really frequent, but they were stronger than any of the Braxton Hicks I had in the past. I got up and got my Clary Sage oil out and rubbed it on my tummy and then laid back down again for a bit. About an hour later they were noticeably stronger but still not real frequent. However, since I live about an hour and a half from the hospital I figured we may want to get things packed and get going. 

I could hear my husband in the front room building the shelves that he had planned to do that weekend. I didn't want to yell at him that I thought things were moving along for fear I'd wake up my sleeping toddler. So I started texting him. I told him that we had a very obedient baby. Ironically, it was 3:30, and he was just putting the last support beam in for the shelves when I told him it was time to go. 
We had everything loaded and ready to go in about 45 minutes. We called my mom and had her come to stay with the other boys.

We got in the car and I messaged Julie and my other friend and Doula, Nikki, to let them know it was time. Luckily I knew we still had plenty of time before our little man would make his debut. We arrived at the hospital around 6 pm. I was still surging, and they were still strong, but they hadn't really changed in strength or in frequency. Nikki, who is an amazing massage therapist, met us at the hospital and started massaging my uterine points. We also applied more Clary Sage to my abdomen, uterine points, and inside of my thighs. We also added Serenity and Balance to the diffuser to help keep the atmosphere relaxed and turned on some relaxing music. Pretty soon the surges started to get stronger, REALLY strong actually. 

My husband went to go get some food for all of us since we knew that I would need to keep up my strength for the upcoming hours. However, the surges were getting so intense that I couldn't finish it. My husband was happy about that though since he got to eat my dessert! HAHA! At this point I had been at the hospital for about 4 hours. The nurse came in to check me. Even though I was surging, I was only dilated to a 4. Since I was doing a Hypnobirth and laboring at a familiar and comfortable environment can stimulate labor to move along a little better, she suggested that I go to Nikki's for a little while and then come back in a few hours. The surges were so strong at this point that it was hard to walk and talk. I was amazed that I wasn't more dilated. I realized later that the surges were so strong because I was still quite dehydrated. Even though the dehydration wasn't anything I really caused myself, I have FOREVER decided that with my next pregnancies I will drink a gallon of water a day at least! Dehydration and a laboring uterus do not mix well at all!

I got to Nikki's and we applied more Clary Sage and she worked more on my points. In Hypnobirthing they talk about how after a while time isn't realized by the mom. When I got to Nikki's this happened. I had no idea how long I had been there. It felt like I had been at Nikki's about 20 minutes when in actuality I was there for about 3 hours. We arrived at 10:30pm and turned on a movie. It happened to be one of my favorites actually. It was Leap Year with Amy Adams. I knew that this little guy was imminent in coming however, because I couldn't even pay attention to the movie. All I could do was lay on her couch and moan. I knew my husband and Nikki were talking but I had no idea what they were saying. The surges were so intense that it felt like I had had a Pitocin drip. I then realized that my husband was talking to me. "Honey, I think we need to go back to the hospital. I think this little guy is on his way." I didn't want to move, but I got up from the couch, got on my shoes, and left. 

The car ride was miserable, but we got to the hospital, and got back up to the room. The nurse wanted to check me again to see how far progressed I was. I was sure I was at a ten from the intensity of the surges, but was shocked when she told me I was only at a 7, but it was enough to keep me there and to call Julie. I decided to get in the tub in hopes that I would get some relief from the surges. It actually made them more intense though. I labored in the tub for a while while Nikki did light touch on my back and my husband massaged my hand. 

I soon recognized the voice of my midwife Julie. I didn't realize that I was cold but Julie saw me shivering and suggested I get out of the tub. I didn't want to move again but stood up anyway. I felt him start to move down as soon as I stood up. I got to the bed and Julie put warm sheets over me. With each surge I felt the need to say, "Baby, baby, baby! Baby, baby, baby!" or "Sweet Kade, Sweet Kade." 

All of the sudden my body just took over. They wanted to get monitors on me so they could monitor the heartbeat of our little guy but I knew they weren't going to get them on at all. My body just started pushing. I couldn't pause it for a moment at all. I couldn't lift my body to let them get the belly bands on me. So, the nurse just held the monitor on my belly while my body pushed. I felt him crown and wanted to ease him out but my body wouldn't have it. The next thing I knew my body gave one long hard push and I heard him cry. At 3:41am in the morning on the 2nd of March, and my beautiful boy was here. I was exhausted but elated. He was immediately placed on my chest and I felt so much love at once!

They took him quickly from me so they could weigh him. I just pushed out a 9 pound and 3 ounce baby! I was amazed! He was a big boy! Julie told me that I had a 3rd degree tear and I needed to be stitched back up. So they placed Kade back on my chest so I could focus on how much I loved him and not the prick of the stitches. I wished at this point though that we had done more perinael massages with Geranium and Helichrysm. I knew that if I had been more diligent with those two oils before birth that I would have had an easier time.

I did some research as well on how it was beneficial to place the baby on your chest right after birth and have him crawl to the breast. I did this and Kade did awesome. He found his way to my breast and latched on right away. He fed for an entire hour which was a good thing because he slept for 8 hours straight after! We couldn't wake him up to get him to eat at all! So I decided to cuddle him instead!! It was pure bliss!

Before we left for the hospital I had made myself some "Peri-pads" for support in my recovery. They felt like heaven on a sore bum! I decided to share the recipe:

12 extra long maxi's cut in half
12 drops Lavender
12 drops Peppermint
5 drops Frankincense
12 drops Geranium
5 drops Helichrysm
Mix in a 12 ounce condiment bottle filled with distilled water. Squirt on the pads and freeze them. They are to be used in place of ice packs.

I also used Deep Blue for the discomfort from the after birth. My first nurse tried to convince me I was in more discomfort than I was letting on! LOL!  She told me that every mom that has just had her 4th baby is in a lot of discomfort and she was sure I was just being stubborn to not take the meds. While I did take some pain meds, the Deep Blue Rub really helped to manage the discomfort I was in. I also used a little Aromatouch as well when the Deep Blue didn't ease the discomfort quite like I had wanted. The two together really did a excellent job. Deep Blue also helps the Uterus to shrink back to its original size and the stomach wall muscles to come back together so I highly recommend it after the birth of a baby.

For Kade we used Balance on the bottom of his feet to help his body regulate his blood. Geranium over his liver and bottom of feet is also a great oil to support his little body. We put Frankincense on the crown of his head to support brain function, help protect his soft spot, and also to help him bond with his Heavenly Father. We put Myrrh on his navel to help it dry, and promote the bond that I had with him. 

The experience was a beautiful experience in all. I'm so grateful for Julie, Nikki, my sweet hubby, and to my Heavenly Father for such a beautiful experience and such a beautiful son!

Birthing With Essential Oils
(I can only recommend doTERRA as they have been the ones I have used and I feel them to be the safest)

MORNING SICKNESS: Digestzen, Ginger, Peppermint, Wintergreen, Citrus Bliss, Frankincense, Wild Orange, Cedarwood, Lavender
These are just some of the oils that I know of that can help morning sickness in pregnancy. Rub them on your tummy, bottom of feet on the stomach reflex point, on your ears, or diffuse them.

SLEEP AIDS: Deep Blue and Wintergreen are great if you are having problems sleeping because of back pain. 
Serenity and Balance diffused at night promote a sense of well being and a feeling of calmness to promote a deep and restful sleep.
Roman Chamomile and Lavender inhaled from the bottle or rubbed on the bottom of the feet.
Roman Chamomile and Peppermint if you are having trouble sleeping because of RLS.

EARLY LABOR: Take a luke-warm bath with epsom salts and lavender. Rub Lavender on your abdomen and ankles as well.

HEAD AND NECK TENSION: Peppermint, Deep Blue, Past Tense
I also used a combination of 6 drops Lavender, 6 drops Peppermint, and 6 drops Frankincense. I would then mix them in a empty glass bottle and rub them on the back of my neck when needed.
Cinnamon diluted with coconut oil is also great for relieving sugar headaches.

ANXIOUS FEELINGS: Balance and Serenity, Wild Orange, Citrus Bliss
Rub on the ears and chest.

ELEVATING MOOD: Balance, Elevation, any Citrus oil
All can balance the moods, lifts your spirit, and helps put you in a joyful energy.

IMMUNE SUPPORT: On Guard and Melissa
 give your immune system a HUGE boost.

WATER RETENTION: Lemon and/or Grapefruit
Both are extremely powerful in supporting the kidneys in removing excess fluid from the body.
Basil and Geranium
Also flush the body of excess fluid. Rub over Kidneys and Liver.

STRETCH MARKS: Immortelle, Myrrh, Coconut Oil, Geranium
All are amazing for skin elasticity. Also, only wash your stomach with water during pregnancy as it will help keep your natural oils in your skin promoting skin elasticity as well.

EMOTIONAL CLEANSING: Geranium, Melaleuca, Marjoram, On Guard
Rub over your heart and belly to release any negative emotions that you may be feeling.
Wintergreen and Balance over your sacrum also can promote a generational release of negative energy and support your skeletal structure.

HELP THE ONSET OF LABOR: These should be used after 37 weeks gestation, Clary Sage, Whisper, Clary Calm
Each oil can help produce oxytocin and can help you feel beautiful and empowered during the birth of your baby. Clary Sage and Clary Calm can also help ease surges during labor.

BATH: Add two drops each to your bath water to help your labor along and to also help your perineum to stretch. Clary Sage, Geranium, Lavender

LABORING: Diffuse Serenity and Balance and rub Wild Orange on the bottom of feet to promote calmness to laboring mother. 

BACK LABOR: Balance and Peppermint on the Sacrum to ease back pressure.

LABORING PRESSURE: Peppermint and Deep Blue over abdomen to ease pressure. Lavender, Peppermint, and Balance mixed with Coconut oil is also a great massage blend to be used in light touch massage.

Peppermint should be used sparingly as this can decrease milk supply.

Cinnamon and Basil are both excellent in helping increase supply.

Lavender and Helichrysm for sore cracked nipples. I also used aloe straight from the plant and Lanolin. The only caution is to wipe your nipple before each feed as they do not taste good and can deter your baby from the nipple.

BREAST DISCOMFORT: Lavender and Frankincense over the affected area can help to clear this up.


Balance on the bottom of feet to help support organs and proper blood flow and distribution.
Myrrh on navel to help it navel dry and support mommy/baby connection. 
Frankincense on the crown of head to promote healthy brain function, and protection of the soft spot. Also promotes a strong bond between Heavenly Father and baby. Helps them have a sense of knowing their true self through life.
On Guard diffused in room to keep baby healthy and happy.
Lavender diffused in room at night to promote good sleep.